Have you ever considered how much it costs to be single versus the cost of being in a relationship? It may seem strange, but being single can actually cost you more money than being with someone.
You always hear stories about the guy spending a ton of money on the girl. So it is natural to think that there is no way being in a relationship can be cheaper. At a quick glance, this seems to be very true. Looking around you, there are couples going on dates all of the time, buying gifts, and every little thing adds up.
These are important but you need to consider other aspects of the relationship. If you share an apartment or a loft, the cost of the apartment is much cheaper. It is cut in half if you share the same sized place. You can easily share a bedroom, so a 1 bedroom apartment would cost half what you would originally pay. This amount adds up to a lot over time.
More savings comes from travel too. You can do and share more things that you could not do if you were single. Sharing rooms, again is very easy. It is not entirely essential to have a whole room to yourself for the whole day even if you are traveling alone. Significant savings are made if you share with a partner.
Sharing food also saves a lot of money. Aside from the fact that you can share food, you can also cook at home. Couples are more likely to cook at home than single people are. Eating out costs a lot more money and hurts savings possibilities couples would have at home.
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